●在冠卓咨询十多年来积累的案例中,包括数百个为客户企业提高20%人均产出,减少50%库存,减少50%质量问题,实现99%以上的准时交付率等优秀改善项目。改善结果数据,都经由企业核算认可; ●我们善于改善流程并实施落地、为客户带来切实改善效果的特点,使得很多客户把冠卓当作了企业发展的长期伙伴,经多年统计78%的客户都和冠卓咨询有多期项目合作。 ● After more than ten years in business, Champion Consulting has successfully helped more than 100 customers increase per capita output by 20%, reduce inventory by 50%, reduce quality problems by 50%, and realize more than 99% on time delivery. All the data about the improvement have been checked and approved by customers. ● We are good at improving the process, implementing plans, and helping realize actual improvement. As a result, many customers make Champion Consulting their long-term partner. According to years of data, 78% of the customers have cooperated with Champion Consulting on more than one year projects.
