当今世界,各个行业和专业领域都发展了相当多的问题解决方法,其中,一些方法适用于小规模的工作,而另一些更适合于跨组织多个部分的主要的项目。为解决你所在的企业的具体问题,选择正确的方法或者方法系列,对于确保企业长久的成功非常重要,而今提出的一个常见问题便是:精益生产和其他解决问题方法之间的特定的区别。 Flexibility in Adaptation适应上的灵活性 At its core, lean is meant to be fast and flexible, easy to adapt to any situation regardless of the context. For many, its versatility is indeed its true power and the biggest factor of attraction that draws them towards the area. And as time goes by and more people join the field, lean keeps evolving into an even more powerful set of tools for reaching a quick resolution to a problem. 从本质上讲,无论背景如何...