Standardized Work or Kaizen? Yes标准作业还是改善?孰重!by John Y. Shook 李兆华 译December 12, 2018https://www.lean.org/LeanPost/Posting.cfm?LeanPostId=986I encountered a familiar paradox a couple of times this month. You can think of it as a twist on Art Smalley’s Four Types of Problems model. Or you can think of it as a never ending search for balance.这个月我几次遇到一个熟悉的似是而非说法,你也可把它想象成如Art Smalley的4种问题模式般的纠结(孰先孰后?),或者你也可以把它想象成一个无止境地寻求其间的平衡。At an old-line manufacturing operation in the US Midwest: “We need to break through our constant firefighting and aim for major innovation.” Meanwhile, just one huddle bo...